Falconry School

Birds of prey have always inspired and captivated us. They are silent predators from the sky, swooping down with speed, precision, and deadly intent. But they are also vulnerable. Unfortunately, raptors are declining at an alarming rate due to human influence. Globally, nearly 30% of raptors are considered threatened, vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. Thankfully, there is hope.

The Raptors, a conservation center located on Vancouver Island in British Colombia, Canada, brings people closer to birds of prey. Their goal is to educate, illuminate and inspire a sense of personal responsibility for the future of both birds of prey and the planet. In March 2023, I participated in a Week Long Falconry course, designed to teach the basics of handling, training, and hunting with a raptor tailored towards people interested in working with birds or taking up private falconry.

Predatory Bird Portraits


The Yuna Gala


Story: Polar Bear Town